Carshalton Osteopathic Surgery

Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy & Holistic Facial Rejuvenation

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Hot Stone Massage

Hot basalt stones are used in combination with holistic massage techniques to deliver a deeply penetrating, relaxing, grounding & cleansing treatment. It is excellent for chronic injuries, tight & sore muscles, detoxification, circulatory and stress conditions. It aids the body in balancing all levels of physical, mental & emotional energies giving a truly holistic treatment. 

Swedish & Remedial Massage

An energizing massage using invigorating tapotement techniques that warm the body & encourage the relaxation of muscular strain & tension, the elimination of waste products, so allowing nutrients to reach body cells to repair tissue damage. An effective treatment for arthritis, strains, fatigue & related conditions.

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Aromatherapy Massage

A treatment to promote a positive & harmonising effect on the body and the mind incorporating essential oils from aromatic plants. These can be uplifting, calming, stimulating or sedative & can have an anti-viral, bactericidal & anti-inflammatory properties. They may aid conditions such as muscular/joint pain, PMS, menopause, IBS, indigestion, poor circulation, high/low blood pressure, respiratory problems, skin conditions, fatigue, headaches, anxiety & stress. 

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

A very gentle, relaxing yet powerful massage designed to move the skin in specific ways & help restore the body by eliminating toxins & excess fluid from tissue cells & promoting delivery of nutrients & antibodies to raise the immune system. Lymphatic drainage may be especially useful for general fluid retention, cellulite, post-injury, IBS, arthritic & stress conditions.

NB: For post-operative fluid retention & swelling related to lymph node removal, please refer to MLD UK for specialist therapists. Your consultant may be able to refer you for treatment on the NHS. 

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Myofascial Release

A gentle technique that aims to release trauma, both emotional & physical, which has become locked within the fascial system of the body causing pain & restriction. Unlike normal massage techniques, gentle sustained pressure is applied to affected areas, allowing the fascia – a 3D continuous web of connective tissue that extends throughout the body – to elongate naturally and return to its normal length, Helping to restore proper & normal function to the body. 

Thai Foot Massage

A treatment of the lower legs & feet incorporating elements of shiatsu, reflexology, Chinese massage & yoga. It stimulates & balances the internal organs of the body, enhancing overall wellbeing & benefits can include improved circulation & toxin removal, stimulated lymphatic drainage, improved flexibility, clarity of mind & decreased stress levels. 

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Tsuboki Japanese Face, Head and Neck Massage

Tsuboki is a treatment that works on many levels. It improves elasticity of the skin, the tone of superficial & deep muscles, helps prevent & reduce wrinkles & by working with the meridians using acupressure, to restore balance & wellbeing to the whole body – thus having the effect of a natural face lift. It is deeply relaxing, yet clients often feel energised afterwards. This treatment also involves acupressure & a massage of the neck & shoulders as well as the face. 

Holistic Facial Rejuvenation Massage

This face specific treatment releases deep seated tensions, frees constrictions in the facial muscles & connective tissue using a variety of techniques including acupressure, deep massage, lifting stretches & lymphatic drainage. The microcirculation in the face is stimulated & the elimination of toxins takes place, muscles are toned & contours tightened, allowing your skin to glow whilst fine lines & wrinkles are smoothed, giving the face a lifted appearance & leaving you feeling perfectly relaxed with a greater sense of well-being. 

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Hopi Ear Candles

Originated by the Hopi North American Indians, hollow candles placed in the outer ear gently massage the eardrums inducing a feeling of warmth & balance in the ears & sinuses. This is followed by a lymphatic facial massage to enhance drainage of the sinuses. A relaxing, painless therapy to aid removal of excessive & impacted wax, drain blocked sinuses & aid headaches, flying & balance problems. 

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage has a history spanning generations. As its name suggests, it’s designed to focus on the head, but also the shoulders and upper arms to truly address these common problem areas for storing tension.

Indian Head Massage is sublime for helping you to unwind and relax but also increase mobility in the neck, shoulders, providing much needed pain relief. Indian Head Massage is guaranteed to boost your wellbeing.

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